Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Deja Mike

Sad to say, Mr. Rogers' plan to micromanage U.S. troop deployments in Iraq hasn't received the plaudits he thought it deserved. Undaunted, he rolled out his next "new" idea in this morning's Press & Argus. The story, "Lawmaker rolls out boost for Big Three," describes his plan for $20 billion in loan guarantees for R&D in alternative-fuel vehicles.

This is a bit of deja vu, since Mr. Rogers gave this a shot last year, too. Actually, it's deja vu squared, since he came up with this plan about a month after Congressional challenger Jim Marcinkowski did.

[There was one original aspect to Rogers' 2006 plan: foreign automakers also would be eligible for the loan guarantees. He doesn't really like to talk about that part... ]

The last time Mr. Rogers touted his plan to save the auto industry, he also had this comment on the Big Three's difficulties in getting in to see President Bush:
"I have always been a little bit amazed at the lack of prowess of the Big Three in Congress."

Wonder what he'll be for -- or against -- next?

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