LANSING – Today Michigan Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer called on Attorney General Mike Cox, Secretary of State Terri Land, Rep. Candice Miller, Rep. Mike Rogers, Saul Anuzis and Dick DeVos to publicly condemn the Michigan State University Chapter of Young Americans for Freedom. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a prominent civil rights organization, has now officially listed the MSU YAF as a “hate group” in its recently released 2006 intelligence project. Cox, Land, Miller, Rogers, Anuzis and DeVos all have ties to the hate group’s leader Kyle Bristow and appear in photographs with him on his personal website
Here is the picture in question:
In light of Mike Rogers' recent public support of Ann Coulter, the people of the Neighborhood would like to know more about the Congressman's relationship with Kyle Bristow.
Does Rep. Rogers support YAF's hateful "13 point agenda," which includes the elimination of minority student organizations, the creation of a white council, promoting anti-gay beliefs and hunting down and deporting illegal immigrants in the Lansing area?
What steps (if any) has Mike Rogers taken to end bigotry among Republican youth groups?
For more information about MSU's chapter of YAF, be sure to read the following articles:
• State News: Poison at the root, by Mike Ramsey
• LSJ: Hate group list to include MSU organization
• Pride Source: MSU Group listed as Hate Group by SPLC
UPDATE (4/2/07): Well, at least we know how Michigan Republican Party Chair Saul Anuzis feels about Kyle Bristow:
Saul Anuzis defended the group yesterday on Michigan Talk Radio’s Big Show with Michael Patrick Shiels saying, “This (Kyle Bristow) is exactly the type of young kid we want out there.” Saul Anuzis also said “I’ve known Kyle for years and I can tell you I have never heard him say a racist or bigoted or sexist thing ever.”
That's funny. Kyle Bristow and the YAF actually have a pretty extensive history of racism and bigotry:
-“Homosexuality kills people almost to a degree worse than cigarettes… these (Pro-gay rights) groups are complicit with murder.” –Bristow, Interview with the Spartan Edge that appears on Youtube.
-They have held up protest signs saying “Straight Power” and “End Faggotry.” – Lansing City Pulse, 12-6-06
-Organized a campus-wide “Catch an Illegal Immigrant Day.” Lansing City Pulse, 12-6-06