Other excellent targets on the list include Charlie Upton (MI-6), Mike Rogers (MI-8) and Frank Guinta (NH-1), being challenged by, respectively, progressives John Waltz, Lance Enderle and Carol Shea-Porter, independent-minded grassroots Democrats whom Steve Israel fears.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Save Our Ship
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Job Killer on the Loose!
The House concurred in the Senate amendment to H.R. 5297, to create the Small Business Lending Fund Program to direct the Secretary of the Treasury to make capital investments in eligible institutions in order to increase the availability of credit for small businesses and to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for small business job creation, by a yea-and-nay vote of 237 yeas to 187 nays, Roll No. 539. [emphasis added]
Finding solutions to small business financing issues is not only an important component of the economic recovery, it is also important to the restoration of communities that have been hard-hit by foreclosures and job losses.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Do's and Don'ts
- enjoying breakfast, lunch, happy hours and 80s nights,
- working hard to help GOP incumbents keep their jobs,
- hosting a "safer, friendlier and more balanced" video game night,
- writing nice letters to Tom Izzo,
- appearing on TeeVee multiple times, and
- standing up for the tanning salon industry.
- extending unemployment benefits,
- children's health insurance (for the fifth time),
- the stimulus bill (after he added $17.6 million to it),
- increasing available credit for small businesses, and
- allowing the FDA to restrict tobacco sales to minors.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Not So Funny
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Do the Write Thing
After a long dark decade of living in "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood", the good people of Michigan's 8th District deserve much better than this.
They must have a REAL choice at the ballot box on November 2nd
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Reflexive Response
set standards for federal employees working remotely. It would require the head of each federal agency to establish and implement a policy that would allow employees to work remotely as much as possible without diminishing agency operations or performance.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Rogers: tax worse than cancer and mustard gas

The Rogers Newsletter, AKA the Livingston County Daily Press & Argus, carried a Mike Rogers press release today entitled “U.S. Rep. Rogers: Get your tan now” about the 10 percent tax on tanning beds that went into effect on July 1 as part of the historic health care insurance reform passed last March.
The Brighton Republican says “the 10 percent tax "kills jobs, hurts women (and) college students." Perhaps someone should tell Mr. Rogers about the harm caused by tanning beds to women and college students, as well as men and non-college students.
In fact, experts at the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon, the cancer arm of the World Health Organization, “moved tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming them as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas."
The good news is they will now have health care to treat the cancer, and people can no longer be denied health care coverage because of the pre-existing condition of cancer.
"kill[s] jobs, hurt[s] women (and) college students."
"In Michigan, where we've lost more jobs than any other state and led the nation in unemployment for more than four years, this tax is another job-killing burden on small businesses," Rogers said.
"The tax targets a service provided by mostly small entrepreneurs, many of them women, and it unfairly hits working women and college students, who make up the majority of tanning customers," he added.
no one thinks a few extra dollars is going to come between diehard tanners and their bronzing. Legislators in favor of the new tax cited health concerns. The industry itself, however, couldn't be healthier.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Where's the Representation?
“you can’t have military commanders out there working against the policy of presidents, even if they’re wrong. “That’s my job,” the Brighton Republican and Army veteran said
Now, you may have thought that Mr. Rogers' job was to represent his constituents in Washington.
Oh, you big silly!
In addition to working against the policies of the President of the United States of America, Mr. Rogers has many serious responsibilities in DeeCee.
For example, on Wednesday he co-hosted the first Capitol Hill Family Game Night to educate families on
“how to enjoy video games and online media in ways that are safer, healthier and more balanced.”
Don't worry -- Mr. Rogers is working on lots of other crucial issues, too:
* he wrote a letter to MSU basketball coach Tom Izzo imploring him to stay in Michigan
* he continues to run his cash-raising machine with a string of foodie fundraisers
* he voted against H.R. 5175, which would
prohibit foreign influence in Federal elections, to prohibit government contractors from making expenditures with respect to such elections, and to establish additional disclosure requirements with respect to spending in such elections
* last but not least, he voted against H.R. 4213, which extended unemployment benefits and provided tax relief for individuals and businesses.
Got all that?
Michigan has led the nation in unemployment since April 2006 (as of last month, we slipped to Number 2, behind Nevada). We've lost nearly 800,000 jobs since Mr. Rogers first went off to Washington.
Given Michigan's devastated economy, why does Mr. Rogers think it's more important to work against the President, fight government transparency, screw over the unemployed and keep video games safe for families?
The bad news: this is just more proof that Mike Rogers doesn't give a rat's patootie about MI-08.
The good news: you have a choice this year!
East Lansing educator Lance Enderle has filed to be the write-in candidate for the Democratic nomination in the August 3rd primary.
Write him in, and see the difference a REAL representative can make!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Breakfast of (Fundraising) Champions
Michigan’s Mike Rogers doesn’t live like you and I do. While we get up and pour ourselves a bowl of cold cereal for breakfast, Congressman Rogers goes out to eat his breakfast. Rogers doesn’t go to just any old place for his bacon and eggs either. [skip]An invitation sent out by the Mike Rogers re-election campaign asks individuals attending the breakfast to come with at between 500 and 1,000 dollars to give to Rogers. Political Action Committees seeking some attention from Rogers are being charged between 1,000 and 2,000 dollars.Where I come from, we don’t charge people thousands of dollars for the privilege of sitting at our breakfast table. Of course, where I come from, no one sits on a powerful congressional committee that has influence over government regulations. Mike Rogers does have that kind of position, and it seems that he’s willing to take a good deal of money from lobbyists in order to keep his hold on power secure.